Mini-interview with Sydney underground minimal figure Dave Austin...
Also couldnt resist this quote from fellow ITMer on the forums:
"Dave Austin: Deep house techno crossover monster with the talent of two talented people? With four arms. Fuck yeah."
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Review: Sunday School @ Bunker, 28th September
Now before you go thinking this is a Christian electronic night akin to well..Christian Rock (ewww) its definitely NOT! Its a quirky underground night for all the up-and-coming goodness Sydney DJ's have to other words, A LOT!
Its seems that every time I'm down there the new DJs get better and better. This time we also had a special guest Dane Austin from Sydney's beef records doing an awesome live set that's sure to have people talking! I mean the amount of gear this guy had and when asked if he had bought his whole studio he said that it was only HALF! (check pic up top!).
Other DJs on the night Oliosky played an awesome tech-house set that really got the place grooving while element is a newly 'converted' proggressive DJ that really showed he has a natural talent for DJing in this genre. By12:30am this place was really pumping with around 70 people in the place all enjoying the beats..other DJs on the night also Dave Stuart who I missed unfortunately and Kit Phillips who was playing semi-live did a great job.
Personally I love Sunday nights, its the best chill night and its alway great chillin and dancing to great music while everyone else is worrying about monday haha
So next time anyone reading this should get down there! (also because hopefully I'll be playing too!)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
locodisco @ nevermind! A new friday night!
I will be doing a separate post on the amazing club that is to be nevermind...but for now:
Sounds quirky, interesting and more importantly its in the brain child of ubercool promoter come club owner Scott...this will be one of the new friday nights, I loved the official promo so I'll just paste that in:
hello! we are locodisco. we bring stone-cold classic disco jams and forward thinking house & techno in one raucous party, just for you.
come for our first dance with LUKE McD (smashbang!, lost baggage - melbourne) and ANDEE VAN DAMAGE (honkytonks, 3rd class - melbourne) doing a disco/techno thing for dancers: all up, all in, party animals getting wonky to the funktion one or coyly drunken romance in the vodka bar.
other attractions: the locodisco athletic squad (PERFECT SNATCH, MAGIC HAPPENS, ASH LE ROUGE and VIVI NOT DISCO) demonstate their happening opening moves and late night tuff guys MATTTTTTTT & TOMAS helm it bouncy techno style to kick off the endless weekend in style.
did we mention the FUNKTION ONE? will a certain club owner get up in the dj booth and hype the crowd up like a scottish flavor flav? will mattt do his best luciano impression? will you blinded by the tricked out lighting?
find out friday october 3 from 2100hr, nevermind, oxfordstrasse 163.
don't forget to join facebook group LOCODISCO for guestlist love.
what awn:
Sounds quirky, interesting and more importantly its in the brain child of ubercool promoter come club owner Scott...this will be one of the new friday nights, I loved the official promo so I'll just paste that in:
hello! we are locodisco. we bring stone-cold classic disco jams and forward thinking house & techno in one raucous party, just for you.
come for our first dance with LUKE McD (smashbang!, lost baggage - melbourne) and ANDEE VAN DAMAGE (honkytonks, 3rd class - melbourne) doing a disco/techno thing for dancers: all up, all in, party animals getting wonky to the funktion one or coyly drunken romance in the vodka bar.
other attractions: the locodisco athletic squad (PERFECT SNATCH, MAGIC HAPPENS, ASH LE ROUGE and VIVI NOT DISCO) demonstate their happening opening moves and late night tuff guys MATTTTTTTT & TOMAS helm it bouncy techno style to kick off the endless weekend in style.
did we mention the FUNKTION ONE? will a certain club owner get up in the dj booth and hype the crowd up like a scottish flavor flav? will mattt do his best luciano impression? will you blinded by the tricked out lighting?
find out friday october 3 from 2100hr, nevermind, oxfordstrasse 163.
don't forget to join facebook group LOCODISCO for guestlist love.
what awn:
OLIVER KOLETZKI! Loves Sydney & Meblourne
Well its offiical and anyone who can read German and know of Oliver's Australian Tour Blog would have already seen...HE LOVED IT! Makes for an interesting read acutally just to see what DJs get up to on tour, check it here (yes its in GERMAN!)
But couple of extracts out of it;
"wir konnten dann allerdings nur eine stunde schlafen und schon gings mit dem flieger nach sydney. dort spielte ich samstag abend im chinese laundry und sonntag morgen im spice! schön wars. die leute hier können feiern und sind alles sehr höflich und zuvorkommend. und alle lieben berlin!"
Loosely translated: Only had 9 hours sleep before we flew out to Sydney (after his Melbourne Gig). There (in Sydney) I played on Saturday in Chinese Laundry and Sunday morning in Spice! It was great. The people here can really party and everyone was happy and welcoming..and everyone loved berlin!
"wie man diesem tagebuch entnehmen kann, hatten wir eine großartige zeit in australien. wir können melbourne und sydney nur weiter empfehlen!"
Loosely translated: We had a great time in Australia! and can melbourne and Sydney highly recommend!
...nice ;)
Eat Musik 25th Sep. review
Wow massive night on friday/sunday morning. Eat Musik was went down with a bang despite the fact that it was only at half capacity but everywhere was a little empty last night in the cross and Zuology and Lets Play DJs played a killer closing set keeping the place pumping till 6am...
Robbie Lowe played an all vinyl set spanning 90s techno to classic house tunes which really was in perfect reflection of the theme of the night. A great 'classics' set by one of Sydney's best and well respected DJ/Composer. Made me feel like I was clubbing in the 90s! Afterwards he was chilling around the bunker where we got talking on the current state of the scene. Robbie seems to think that its hit saturation point in terms of all the festivals hitting Sydney over the next few months. Fair enough with advent of Stereosonic, Global Gathering, Godskitchen, Transmission and Parklife all within weeks of each other its not hard to see that perhaps they will not all sell out or at least hit reasonalbe capacity. However I personally love it and think Sydney easily has enough people into different types of music to fill these festivals but as usual only time will tell. To be honest Im very much looking foward to Global Gathering and will Parklife has already sold out!
Speaking of DJs Mortlock, who was also milling around that night and playing the closing set, revealed some great news! The underground Sydney composer/DJ is now signed to Long Distance Recordings, which is the record label belonging to who else but MDX (Mark Dynamix). The label represents the very healthy 'Berlin connection' between Sydney and the techno capital of the world with apparently many a German artists and aussies now signed. Last I heard Oliver Koletzki also got signed while on his recent tour of Australia! with remixes out soon! (first ep is already on beatport)
Check out mortlocks killer Remix of Dave Basek's Tokyo on his myspace here
also HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ANDREW! and who ever else's birthday it was last night!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Gig Guide! This Weekend 26th - 28th
drum roll..........................................its the
Yaeh! Weekend guide was meant to come out on thursday but a giraffe ate my roof..
SO we have a great weekend ahead jam packed full of things but I'll just name a few places where great music, venue and people dominate!
- InTheMix50 Month which has being a huge celebration every weekend at a different club with different DJs from the ITM top 50 list! This week SUBLIME. Longest running club night in the world and infamous among Sydney Siders its place for all your trance, hard dance, dubstep and breakbeat fix!
- Eat Musik 'Classics' Party - Great party offering some of the best tech-house, minimal and techno DJs Sydney has to offer. This week none-other than international Sydney star Robbie Lowe. If dont know him..tsk tsk. Myspace here. September’s Eat Musik is a tribute to the tune’s that have stood the test of time – the classics. Expect classics from across the entire spectrum and timeline of dance music.
- Bel Air Miami @ Candys - Mercy Arms farewell show is the head liner but more importantly up- and coming DJs will be on the bill before and after in both rooms. Zuology and Lets Play DJs from 4am are the ones to see! Also ones a mate of mine haha but seriously check it out if your there
- SPICE @ Bunker - this one JUST IN!
BJORN WILKE last Sydney set (playing @ 5am @ Bunker), the man originally from Germany will be moving back after spending some time in Sydney. Its being great having him here definitly adding to the tech-house and techno scene and the last time I saw him it was a great set. Expect nothing but the lastest tech and minimal from Germany, Australia and abroad...
- Transmission - One of Sydneys and Australias biggest trance/hard-house events kick off tonight @ Olympic Sports Centre. My favourite Scot Project who I used to listen to during school is playing among many others.
- Moulin feat. Sam La More- This will be great one, his productions are top notch in the electro world and his sets a great too! Now living back in Sydney after a short stint in LA Sam La more is a must for those electro kiddies....
- Sunday School - Promoting ONLY up and coming Sydney DJs playing tech-house, techno and progressive. This seriously is an awesome night. Laidback for all those sat partyers, while in an awesome venue this party shows off how much good talent this city has to offer. A must for all you musos out there...
- TIJUANA Cartel Live @ Opera Bar 6pm-9pm. Perfect to relax in the arvo if your still in the city. Espeically considering the weather is awesome this weekend!
Sunday School! - Great party and awesome night, promoting quality up-coming DJ and composer talent in Sydney. Starts from 7PM with $3 drinks till 9 + FREE entry so really theres no excuse.
This sunday DJ's & Live acts for the Night are;
Dave Stuart
Kit Phillips
Dane Austin
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Style of Eye Album Promo Mix! Tours this November!
One 'long-time fan' of my blog (but considering its only being up for a week I guess this was a pre-emptive long time fan... thing...either way I'm flattered!) commented that I should put up some promo Mixes. Well to satisfy your thirst for music here it is!
Having taken the scene by storm with his epic song Girls style of eye is situating himself somewhere in the region of electro and tech-house or electro-tech and you heard this new genre-name here first! But seriously great, interesting new electro/tech coming out of this Swedish guy. Mayby the next Eric Prydz?...
Get pumped peoples because he is playing @;
13 Nov - Lost Baggage @ The Cross, with Shonky (Freak n’ Chic)
14 Nov - Afterhours Sydney Show @ Spice (this one will be very interesting!)
Style Of Eye “Duck, Cover and Hold” ALBUM PROMO MIX
01. Duck Cover & Hold feat. Emma Henley
02. Ona
03. Girls
04. Pad Problems
05. Number Two
06. The Prophet
07. Amelie
08. I See Them Coming
09. Clown
10. Galore feat. Stephen Simmonds
11. Horse
12. Banned
13. The Last Song
Monday, September 22, 2008
Release: Deepchild - Donut Hound
Click here if you can’t view the images.
To add to my Deepchild obsession atm I thought I would provide a heads-up to his latest release which actually delves back into some of Sir Deepchild's original tracks. Not too sure when they were originally made but just the fact that Donut Hound is getting so much attention for a track that Im guessing is at least quite a few years old is testament to his ability...
ANYHOO Donut Hound is seriously funky while the Tiger Stripes remix is getting hammered by Gregor Tresher, Troy Pierce and Timo Mass among others!
ANYHOO Donut Hound is seriously funky while the Tiger Stripes remix is getting hammered by Gregor Tresher, Troy Pierce and Timo Mass among others!
Deepchild back in Australia! (yeaha!) + Vid + Tour dates
Well one of Sydney's finest techno exports has returned!!! After a hektik touring schedule all around Europe and I believe some milling around/creating new album/DJing in Berlin Deepchild aka Rick Bull is back in Australia promoting his high anticipated new album Departure.
I saw him do a DJ set @ Bunker Bar few weekends ago which had the place absolutely packed and steaming! Check out a video of his Sydney DJ set @ bunker below + his European tour video after!
European tour video blog
..and in Berlin
also up coming tour dates, one in particular shouts out!
26 Sep 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE @ La Di Da, Melbourne
2 Oct 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE @ Supperclub, Newcastle…
4 Oct 2008 (AU) Sleezeball @ The Hordern Pavillion
4 Oct 2008 (AU) Fuzzy Parklife, Brisbane - Mainstage (dj) w. Metro Area
11 Oct 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE @ Sugar, Adelaide
16 Oct 2008 (AU) UNSW Oktoberfest - deepchild LIVE set
17 Oct 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE @ Ruby Tramp, Gold Coast
18 Oct 2008 (AU) Clique @ Will & Toby’s (DJ Set)
24 Oct 2008 (AU) Eat Musik @ The Bunker (dj set)
10 Nov 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE album launch @ “Nevermind”>>>>>=EPIC
I saw him do a DJ set @ Bunker Bar few weekends ago which had the place absolutely packed and steaming! Check out a video of his Sydney DJ set @ bunker below + his European tour video after!
European tour video blog
..and in Berlin
also up coming tour dates, one in particular shouts out!
26 Sep 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE @ La Di Da, Melbourne
2 Oct 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE @ Supperclub, Newcastle…
4 Oct 2008 (AU) Sleezeball @ The Hordern Pavillion
4 Oct 2008 (AU) Fuzzy Parklife, Brisbane - Mainstage (dj) w. Metro Area
11 Oct 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE @ Sugar, Adelaide
16 Oct 2008 (AU) UNSW Oktoberfest - deepchild LIVE set
17 Oct 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE @ Ruby Tramp, Gold Coast
18 Oct 2008 (AU) Clique @ Will & Toby’s (DJ Set)
24 Oct 2008 (AU) Eat Musik @ The Bunker (dj set)
10 Nov 2008 (AU) deepchild LIVE album launch @ “Nevermind”>>>>>=EPIC
Sunday, September 21, 2008
OLIVER KOLETZKI! King of The Cave!
Mr Koletski played an absolutely killer set @ Chinese Laundry in a room called the cave (because its covered in sandstone bricks and really sound and feels like a cave!)
Slightly retro jacking techno was the order of the hour that I was there...His probably on his way now to SPICE (its 4am right now!), an after-hours party here in Sydney where a lot of the internationals do surprise gigs that apparently go insane! I was talking to his 'carer' and he reckons Sir Koletski will hit the decks @ 6am so unfortunately I will have to wait till next time to see him as other commitments got the better of me...
Will endvour to post up some of the tracks I heard tommorow but on the whole most of his set was on viynl! Im guessing a lot of 'german techno promos jar!'..
Friday, September 19, 2008
Whats this all about?...
Sydney loves techno. (or Syndey 'heart' techno?) Everyone knows it and everyone loves it so I made this blog on all the happenings in the vast Sydney electronic music scene!
Yes we have the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and arguably the worlds most beautiful city harbour but at night (and during the day...but mostly at night) this city comes alive with party people, musos, DJs, bands, concerts the many clubs that beat on into the following day...
So this blog will aim to bring together the happenings of global and Sydney electronic music scene, while specialising on minimal, techno and tech-house releases and DJ's as that is what I'm into right now (so there!).
Having said that I will also post on the arts scene, festivals, club nights in and around Sydney (legal and illegal!...) , concept party's and other snippets of daily life downunder!!
Yes we have the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge and arguably the worlds most beautiful city harbour but at night (and during the day...but mostly at night) this city comes alive with party people, musos, DJs, bands, concerts the many clubs that beat on into the following day...
So this blog will aim to bring together the happenings of global and Sydney electronic music scene, while specialising on minimal, techno and tech-house releases and DJ's as that is what I'm into right now (so there!).
Having said that I will also post on the arts scene, festivals, club nights in and around Sydney (legal and illegal!...) , concept party's and other snippets of daily life downunder!!
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