Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New Years Eve in Sydney is one of the largest events of thee year and arguably the most spectacular! If your visiting Sydney then its a must to be at one of the many vantage points on harbour to take in the boats parade & the fireworks. It takes 15months of pre-planing for the mid-night fireworks where literally the worlds largest TV networks tune in for the 30min light, fireworks and music display! Its seriously cool stuff but for many Sydney siders its either something you love or something you hate as our shores are crowded with over a million people as the city is basically cut off from transport and it can be hard to get anywhere quickly!
This year the theme is creation, if your around the harbour here's the low-down;
But enough of the official stuff lets get back to the techno, so the parties on;More info here at
- 3pm-6pm - Aerial planes display
- 8:30pm - Acknowledgement of Country ceremony with projections on the harbour bridge & dancing fire flames on the harbour
- 9pm - 'family fireworks'
- 9:08pm - Creation theme kicks in with 'storm effect' on the Harbour Bridge
- 9:15pm - Harbour of Light parade, where Syd's best boats/yachts dress up in lights
- 12:00pm - midnight fireworks
- 12 - 6am - Parties, concerts, clubs every venue pretty much as something on
Shore Thing - Underworld, Eric Prydz, The Presets at Bondi Beach - sold out but theres tickets available
Viva La Techno - Jets Sports Club with an awesome lineup of local and interstate artists ft. Defined By Rhythm, Null Object (Live) + many more
Mad Racket NYE 08 - Marickville Bowling Club the mad racket brings you the best and latest in house with local resdients. awesome NYE shindig
Technique Party - Somewhere in the inner city warehouse ft. Dane Austin live, John Ferris, Mark Craven + many more big locals
Club Club at Chinese Laundry - Carl Craig headlines, this will be SPECIAL! A sure thing with tickets still available
Pacha NYE 2008 - Eric Morillo headlines with his infamous extended set along with Carl Kennedy and Pacha girls
Harbour Party NYE at Luna Park - unlimited rides + a lot of big pop/electro internationals and prime position for fireworks
Spice Afloat - Radioslave & Simon Baker! Welcome in the first sunrise of 08 in style
Field Day - SOLD OUT - with Eric Prydz, Oliver Huntemann, Jamie Liddel (Live), Digitalism, Adam Freeland + Many more
Field Day Afterparty with surprise international guest at Oxford Arts Factory
Nevermind NYD Night athems - The classics played out by residents
Sounds on NYD - always a killer party if the weather is good, headlining Carl kennedy & Martini Club - Greenwood Hotel
2nd January - Ferry Corsten at Home Nightclub
3rd JANUARY - POST NYE WAREHOUSE PARTY ft. Tony Trash, Living Room DJs, Duplex - Cost: $10 to cover costs. More Info:
4th of January - Sunday School! Cap of the NYE with this awesome chilled out party
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from S.L.T.
Christmas in Australia is very much an out doors affair, with nice weather yesterday on Christmas and Boxing today being a scorcher its safe to say that its being 'perfect' xmas Australian conditions.
So to give you that last kick of 'receiving' pleasure here is a link to the latest mix by Richie Hawtin for DJ Mag - Sounds of Can Elles. In true underground style the mix is a electic mix of the kind of 'best of' unsigned producers Richie has being hammering in his sets this past year! Its a great mix of unheard of artists which may be the next 'big-thing'!
Download Zip file HERE (140MB/320kbps MP3s)
01. Gernot Lance - Lesistance
02. Ryoh Mitomi - Watch Your Step
03. Oliver Dodd - Nervous Part 2
04. Psyk - Clown
05. Octave - Past Flash
06. Jobdoy - Spades For Minds
07. Gary Beck - Consumed
08. Marco Dassi - Varese Ist Leer (Minicoolboyz Remix)
09. Luciano Le Biham & Exequiel Brandan - Flying
10. Antonio Pocas - 14-12
11. Jorge Savoretti - You Taste Better Than Danger
12. Larsson - Sbility To Jump
13. Ken Kenichiro - 4AM
14. Joel Alter - Spektrolit
15. Sebastian Russel - You Freak
Enjoy and Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
APRÉS - 12inch Vinyl Series by future classic
future classic have gone from strength to strength recently hosting their awesome monthly night at the Civic Underground. But what many dont know is there sneaky Sunday arvo chill sessions which host international artists + Syds finest. Sounds gold! So much in fact their releasing a whole series dedicated to it!
Have a listen to the awesome new-disco/chill tracks by downloading it HERE or better yet buy the vinyl for the special artwork
Officially; For the last year and a half Future Classic has been hosting a laidback Sunday afternoon event at the Tilbury. A BBQ, friendly bar staff and turntables on the balcony in the sunshine have set the scene for these under-the-radar sessions that give our local and international guests (often performing under alias) the chance to play more diverse sets than they would in the club.
“With a little more time to chill and converse than is usually the case in a busy nightclub the idea was hatched to create a series of Aprés 12-inch releases with contributions from our local and international guests” says Future Classic’s Nathan McLay, who is also resident DJ at the weekly event. “Having played host to artists such as Brennan Green, Joakim, Mock & Toof, Lovefingers, Aeroplane, Canyons, Jamie Lloyd and Padded Cell to name a few the sound of this series presented itself naturally.”
The first installment comes from a duo that has been causing a stir on the Sydney disco circuit of late. Brendan ‘Long John Saliva’ King and Colin ‘DJ Silvio’ Prout of Paradise Lost fame collaborate as the Loin Brothers. Their tongue-in-cheek debut Heavy Helmet is a slice of nu disco glory with fluid funk and epic power-chord guitars. On the flip London’s Mock & Toof, signed to LCD Soundsystem’s legendary DFA imprint from New York, add their playful flavour which has worked its magic at the Tilbury on more than a few occasions of late.
Being both a music and design team, artwork has always been an integral part of all Future Classic projects, Aprés being no exception. To complement the series Future Classic commissioned original works by visual artist Gemma Smith, whose geometric abstraction sits perfectly with the cosmic sounds of the records. Gemma has exhibited in curated and solo exhibitions in Australia and overseas. She is currently in Primavera at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney as well as Contemporary Australia: Optimism, at the Gallery of Modern Art, Queensland Art Gallery, in Brisbane.
The Aprés 12 inch series was made possible with support of Becks and The Tilbury Hotel.
Aprés is a free event every Sunday from 3-9pm at The Tilbury. 12-18 Nicholson St, Woolloomooloo
Alex Kid video from last weekend
I wouldn't say it was the most energetic of crowds but it was definitely in that 'zone' with everyone just dancing away to the music...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday School review/recap Xmas Speical
As mentioned below SSXmas went down a treat. Nearly everyone ever involved with the night showed up + some local big gun DJs, Defined By Rhythm & Murat Kilic + a ton of newbies to make the night run until 2:30 in the morn! (I believe this is the 2nd latest close time, 1st was 3:00am!)
But this was no slap the night 'xmas special' and rock up with nothing but a santa hat, Bunker Bar was seriously decked out with lights, blow up raindeer and Santas climbing a lader amongst other things. The new DJs all played solid sets with a little B2B action at the end.
B2B - wooot we all jumped on, couple songs each proved a treat as the bunker just kept on receiving more people! Night finished up around 2:30 but probably could kept on going till 3! oh well next time!
Also looking for DJs for your new night!? Come and see the talent, you wont be disappointed.
Rejected from Spice..........argh!!!not cool!
A word of advice, before you go and check out this infamous after hours party, make sure you look the part. That is, to every guy, theres one girl, not tooo trendy (couple people got turned away in suits) but not too shabby (however they did make some exceptions...hmmm) BUT WAIT! This is spice!? Its Techno! Its all about the mmusic mannn Right!? IT STARTS AT 5 IN THE FUCKING MORNING! I wouldn't think there would even BE a door policy but alas my nieve little mind proved me wrong and I was rejected with 3 other mates from Spice becuase we were all guys (only 4 of us including myself!!)
Yeah to top it of my first time trecking it down there, just to see Sammy Gee punch out some minimal and the door wanker/doorman rejects me...:(
Anyway, managing a night that is official and starts at 5 is another ball game then normal club nights but then again when was Spice ever a normal club night?
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday School = epic!
Photos + Videos to come, I'll do a little post on everyone that played as well and link up with a promo demo! Stay tuned...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Video Art in true form
An eclectic mixture of images and elements abstracted in this film especially created to open the large procession of Fashion Week in Sydney! Interested? Here's their official site. Someone let thess guys loose in a club please!!
Gig Guide addition - Chemistry 2nite!
Headlining this ridiculously under publicised night is Deepchild, Glitch DJs Jim Polar and Trinity! Awesome!
Friday, December 19, 2008
GIG GUIDE! Lets get festive
- Loosekaboose - ft. Dave Basek (live) & Phil Smart - The Cross - Awesome lineup, Dave Basek live will be ineteresting, espiecally after hearing his recent prog anthem on Long Distance Recordings!
- DeepAsF*ck presents Pirates of the Underground 2! ft. secret international! - Harbour Cruise - This will be mahooosive! A ton of underground party outfits have combined forces to bring what could one of the best local line-ups in one location all year!
- DAF ft Alex Kid - Bunker Bar - Alex Kid plays a speical 3hour+ set!! This will be epicly cool. It will pack out + half price if you come from the cruise above
- KINK ft. Club Junque - nevermind club - Club Junque is a rising star on the Sydney scene, destroying the Laundry with his sets its time to spread the love and see what he can bring to KINK!
- Pilooski @ Slide Nightclub - King of New disco & his first Australian perfromance!
- Late Night Schuffly pres. Sammy Dee - Macquaire Hotel - 1st time I've heard of these guys, but not the 1st time Ive heard of Sammy! Should be well worth getting down too
- SPICE [5am] ft. SAMMY DEE [Berlin]+Garry Todd+Murat Kilic - Bunker Bar
- Sunday School Xmas Special! - Bunker Bar - expect dress-ups, silly lights & of course some fresh new blood on the decks for Sydneys premier 'up-and-comer' DJ night in Prog, tech, minimal & techno! Come check it out if your looking for new DJs for your night or just want to relax in the chilled atmosphere of the night!
- Slipp Inn Rooftop Xmas Party - Slipp Inn (Chinese Laundry) - This apprently famous party goes down this sunday.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sydney 'blurred out'
Found this on a article describing 51 sites blurred on Google Maps, check it here
Also have you ever seen Sydneys Oxford street from the air?...its quite..arty?!
View Larger Map
Friday, December 12, 2008
half Gig Guide for this weekend!
Anyway so for the half gig guide;
- Color Christmas ft. Robbie Lowe & Tim Culbert - Bunker Bar - For those craving the deep house and progressive sounds of the experts at mixing it! Seriously, color is alway a good night
- Lost Baggage ft. Audiofly & Paco Osuna - The Cross - HUGE this will sell out so get down early for tickets on the door!
- KINK ft. Goodfella - nevermind club - local resident Goodfella chucks a special set this Kink
- Club Club ft. Pepperpot - Chines Laundry
- DJ Assult @ Oxford ArtsFactory
- Nevereverland - Modular's Label party, the ubersick aussie electronic/indie label always chuck on a good show with all locals as headliners it should be a good festival...also their advertisments are soo cool...dam cool indie labels...
- Smut - club nevermind - the newly re-running sunday nights were a hit before and now there back but its on quite the low low.
- Little Miss Sunday - Lady Lux - Solid house and tech-house on Sunday nights
Interview Excerpt with Robbie Lowe + COLOR Xmas Special
If you never heard the man DJ before then definitely come along to COLOR tomorrow night at the bunker. Color was a night spawned by the successfull 'underground' mix releases a couple of which have being done by Robbie Lowe, and let me tell for a FREE download mix these are quality, easily good enough to be sold on CD! I cant stop listening to them to be honest!
Check out the facebook COLOR GROUP here for all the latest releases...

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Luciano & Greg Wilson pics & Videos - one/two amazing party!
What can I say, the party is well and truly over and everyone has recovered but the vibe keeps on going, kinda like an aftershock of an earthquake. I cant not stop thinking of the epic break downs Luciano pulls and the awesome retro (never though I would say that) Greg Wilson so seemly effortlessly played out.
Here's a little Video of it
Greg Wilson played on the top deck and was a favourite for many as we all waited until Luciano arrived. He played a perfect new disco/retro set as well as playing with his reel to reel player!! The man has a lot of experience and this showed in this amazing set. I have never heard anyone mix in songs like these in such a way in all my comparatively short life!
KEEP IT REEL (Back of Greg Wilson Laptop sticker ;)
Luciano stepped up on the decks to literally destroy the dance floor. His unique take on DJing is very South American to me with driving tribal rhythms that are overlaid with with technoy sounds. Everyone went a bit loco in DC10 style with loads of jumping up action check it out below;
and one of my fav songs of the boat set;
Of course those that didnt know, Luciano played a second gig that same night at Sydneys newest club NEVERMIND. Those that got there early were in for a treat as Luciano rocked up at 10 and decided to jump on!! He than went on to tear the place down with a definitely darker vibe taking us on till 2am where he had to call it quits. The man did look fair tired at the end of it!
Some of my favourite pics from BOTH the Yacht party and the KINK nevermind club gig. Be sure to check out the gallery for more ;) they're all high resolution pics in the gallery so feel free to make them desktop pics or whatever just nothing on posters with out emailing me first!!!
From LUCIANO @ Pulse Radio Yacht Party & KINK |
From LUCIANO @ Pulse Radio Yacht Party & KINK |
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
New release on beef -Euphonious
Murat and Shades of Grey both do great remixes, sure to hear them over the coming weeks! So support your local artist! Buy below
BEEF records is happy to present young English talents Zade and Kayne Cross in this extraordinary tech house/minimal EP. Euphonious is real dance floor filler with a powerful house oriented groove that is truly simple but totally effective. Murat Kilic remix has been creating buzz in the techno scene for quite some time now. It is state of the art peak time rework that will mess up every dance floor. Murat Kilic remix got already signed by Oliver Koletzki for his upcoming compilation on Stil Von Talent. That is truly impressive start for up and coming producer from Sydney. Shades of Gray remix is inspired by the latest sound of Freerange and Strictly Rhytmn. Perfect tool for Deep house DJs - atmospheric and groove oriented house filler. This combination makes this EP a must tool for any Dj.
Monday, December 8, 2008
[THE BOX] broadcast on fbi!
LUCKLY fbi saves the day with a new broadcast to add it its electronic music selection
[THE BOX] broadcast.
It's the first edition of a regular monthly show, showcasing the sounds and guests we feature at [THE BOX] on a monthly basis.
The show will be on the first friday of every month, we start tonight @ 11.30 p.m. Sydney time. If you want to tune in go to or if you're still in the dark ages 94.5fm.
Luciano set IDs
If you havent yet heard Luciano was AMAZING! At both the yacht party and nevermind! One of the best days of the year for me..
Here some track IDs courtesy of ITMers
Catz 'n Dogz - SF
Michel De Hey Vs Grooveyard - Compound
M83 - In Church & Kenlou - Bangin (Bangin' Beats)
SIS - Trompeta
Kevin Saunderson - "Good Love" (Feat Inner City - Luciano's Good Love Remix)
Nima Gorji - Jungle Boogie
Marco Carola - Bloody Cash
Sebo K - Diva
Octave One - Blackwater
Robbie Rivera - Feel This (Tribal Sessions Mix)
The Asphalt - 8 Mile Road (Sascha Dive Mix)
Capricorn - 20Hz (Optimo Edit)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Gig Guide 5th -7th Dec
its the
Gig Guide
First up;
- SHRUG @ civic underground - ft. Tim Culbert, Life DJs, Dave Stuart & Alex Marsh
- ITMXMAS Party @ nevermind ft. Ben Morris, Mo'Funk &more - Its the offical ITM Xmas bash and it should be lots of fun. RSVP at for free entry
- VIOD ft. Joker @ Phoenix Bar (Oxford Street) - Sydneys monthly dubstep night and apprently its something very special, so get on down for something a little different.
- Faction Fridays @ Bunker Bar, Kings Cross ft. Mark Craven & Dane Austin (beef) - Faction offers a free friday alternative with some of the best in the underground....did i mention its FREE!
- Yum Cha & BEEF Prime Cuts vol.2 CD LAUNCH - awesome, one of the best SYD labels right now!
- PULSE RADIO Yacht Party ft. Luciano & Greg Wilson @ Sydney Harbour - SOLD OUT!
- KINK presents Luciano (2nd gig) @ nevermind (oxford street) - Tickets avaliable at & on the door for more...
- Civic Sat presents Rene Amesz @ Civic underground - this should be a kicker, with supports from Sweetchille residents
- Paradise Lost @ innercity warehouse - think one of the best underground house parties around...
- Club Club presents Robert Babicz @ Chines Laundry - this producer has a solid fan base for his consistenly good productions. Should be a good night
- Sunday School @ Bunker Bar - As usual the place for up-n-comer DJs with free entry all night, with the talent on this one coming up, it will be one not to forget..
- Pulse & Better Days ft. Greg Wilson @ Cream Tangerine Terrace
Get in it!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Luciano to play 2 gigs in Syd this Saturday!! AHH!
The promoters have also announced that anyone going to please be at King Street Wharf for around 10am (ouch!) as to load the 500 odd people onto the boat!
Luciano is headlining KINK with first release tickets already sold out and 2nd release %50 sold out! But not to worry if you are unsure of going, there will be a limited amount of tickets on the door going for $30 each! You can buy tickets from
Also I will be filming the epic breakdown moments from both the Yacht and club parties and uploading them on the Sunday so check back here if you were unable to secure a ticket!