Okay so your stealing reeling from the weekend shenanigans so let my blog cure what ales ya first by saying KINK ON SAT WAS F*KN AWESOME! Yeah I know thats all I've talked about the past few weekends, I should rename this blog Sydney loves Kink but seeming as uni is coming on hard its the only thing Ive managed to get to right now but that will soon change!
Kink ft Emerson Todd and he was off the chain! seriously played some awesome new techno a couple of the tracks Im still looking for now because they were so dam good, like everyone in just started to go crazy as soon as they came on...and it was packed as well I brought in around 15 freinds who just went nuts! unfortunately I have no videos because I was to mezmerised by the music...lol!
You heard it 'hear' first
Also my annoucement of a new section of my blog called "Your heard it 'hear' first!" Where I'll blog on unannounced parties/topics seeming as there were quite a few industry heavy weights walking around last night I got some awesome goss... so:
- Pulse radio one of the best online electronic music radios EVER! is launching a BRAND NEW website next week! Thousands of dollars spent on it apparently.
- The Cross/The Bouron will haveFUNKTION ONE SYSTEMS INSTALLED! at all Lost Baggage parties in the furture. If you dont know what Lost Baggage parties are think THE BEST themed techno parties in Australia.
- DC10 Circoloco party is coming to Sydney! seriously Im not joking early next year wait for the annoucement for more details cause thats all I got! oh!
- whispers of Ricardo Villalobos heading down under but no confirmation on that...yet....
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